Hi Momma,
I see you. I see how hard you work. I see how much you love your small human(s). I see your struggle. I see the joy in your eyes when your baby smiles back at you. I see you sacrifice your needs for the needs of your family. I see your overwhelm. I see it all and I wanted to let you know that YOU MATTER MOMMA.
Because I've been there. Because I am there. I'm right beside you in the thick of motherhood making it up as I go. Because we ALL know that small humans don't come with a user guide.
There's this vision we are presented with of motherhood that it's all baby snuggles and coos, happy playdates and cute little outfits, looking put together and fitting back in to your pre-baby jeans within weeks of giving birth. When in reality we actually haven't showered in a week, there's breastmilk stains on your t-shirt, your half finished cup of coffee is sitting in the microwave to be warmed up for the third time and you can't actually remember the last time you wore jeans.
Some days are harder than others. Some weeks are longer than the last. Some years (ahem, 2020) knock the wind right out of us. BUT we are not alone. YOU are not alone.
So that's why I'm here. Motherhood can be lonely, BUT you don't have to do it alone. I am here to build a community of women that will lift each other up, that will support each other through the struggles and joys of motherhood and that will step away from the "hot-mess-mom" culture that says motherhood is always a mess and there's no room for YOU to be YOU.
The way I do this is though fitness. I know, right? Who knew that fitness can actually be part of your daily life with small humans! But it's true. AND working out with other mommas who are in the thick of motherhood can truly help you feel like YOU again in the midst of feeling the least like yourself that you've ever felt. Exercise is empowering. It builds confidence, strength and a sense of accomplishment. It doesn't matter if you're former amateur athlete or somebody who's never stepped foot in a gym - exercise is a powerful part of an abundant motherhood.
So, if you're ready to empower your health and fitness, subscribe to my newsletter, follow me on Instagram or like my Facebook page and join the community.
I can't wait to meet you, momma.
xo, Jen
